This structure consists of two subfields: library and name. 这个结构包含两个子字段:库和名称。
Click User Libraries*> New* and enter WPS as the user library name. 并输入WPS作为用户库名称。
Would be the name used to identify a parameter author within a library name context whose topics, from the most to the least general, are Literature, Classics, and Odyssey. 可以是用于标识author参数的名称,该参数是在图书馆名称环境,按最常用到最不常用的顺序,其主题是Literature、Classics和Odyssey。
Static libraries in UNIX systems follow a naming convention, where lib is prefixed and. a is suffixed to the library name. 在UNIX系统中,静态库遵循一种命名规范,使用lib作为前缀,而使用.a作为库名的后缀。
In the New User Library dialog, specify a User library name and click OK. 在NewUserLibrary对话框中,指定Userlibrary名并单击OK。
The library must have the same name as the plug-in name. 库的名称必须与插件名称相同。
It renames the shared library and alters the stored procedures using the new library name. 它对此共享库进行重命名,并使用新的库名称来更改存储过程。
Enter a library name ( for example, MyLibrary). 输入一个存储库名称(例如,MyLibrary)。
The library name must be lowercase here if you are using an imported library. 如果使用导入的库,那么这里的库名必须是小写的。
The pseudo client is a dynamic library; the library name is stuffed into the environment variable LD_PRELOAD, which the dynamic linker loads before loading any other libraries. pseudo客户机是一个动态库;库名保存在环境变量LDPRELOAD中,动态链接器会在装载其他库任何之前先装载它。
In a traditional static library, the code generated is usually bound together into a library file with a name ending in. a and then it's passed to the linker. 在传统的静态程序库中,生成的代码通常封装在一个程序库文件中(其名称以.a结尾),然后传递给链接器。
In the above example, empty string is used for the output queue library and queue name to indicate that spool files from any output queue are considered for indexing. 在上面的例子中,输出队列库和队列名称使用了空字符串,表明将对所有输出队列中的spool文件进行索引。
Each model in the transformation configuration's selected source is translated to a WebSphere Integration Developer library with the same name as the model. 转变配置中每一个模型的源,是用与模型相同的名字转换为一个WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper库。
The library name corresponds to the directory, under the resources directory, in which the resource resides. library名称对应于resources目录下的子目录,这是保存资源的位置。
Provide the class path and the library name, and create the shared library. 提供类路径和库名称,并创建共享库。
Using the standard C string functions or your favorite string library, compare the common name and the host name. 使用标准的C字符串函数或您习惯使用的字符串库对通用名和主机名进行比较。
Specify the aspect library name, the name of the JAR file that contains the aspect code, and give a name for the UML profile that will contain the stereotypes applied to the model ( Figure 7). 指定方面库的名称,包含了方面代码的JAR文件的名称,并且给包含应用到模型的原型的UML文件一个名称(图7)。
In the Library name field, enter the name you want to use as the library's label. 在Libraryname框中,输入要使用的库的名称。
The library name itself is a good place to start. 库名称本身就是一个不错的入口点。
I hope that with the personal involvement and guidance of President bush, the library that bears his name will become yet another American Center for China Studies and China-US friendship activities. 我希望,在布什总统的直接参与和指导下,布什图书馆将成为美国又一个研究中国问题和开展中美友好活动的中心。
This parameter is only necessary if the type library file name is different than the assembly name. 只有在类型库文件名与程序集名称不同时,此参数才是必需的。
The data type for the selected field is not supported as a form library column name:% 1. 不支持将所选域的数据类型作为表单库的列名称:%1。
The mapping from a library name to a specific filename is done in a system-specific manner. 从一个库名字到一个特定文件名的映射是由系统的样式决定的。
Do not export the type library; one can be found either by the generated or supplied type library name. 不导出类型库;可以通过生成的或提供的类型库名称找到类型库。
Unable to convert library friendly name to guid. 无法将库的好记的名称转换成guid。
If a path is specified with the library name, link looks for the library in that directory. 如果路径是用库名指定的,则link在该目录中查找库。
By default, the import process uses the type library name, rather than the type library file name, to produce the assembly name and file name. 默认情况下,导出过程使用类型库名称(而不是类型库文件名)来生成程序集名称和程序集文件名。
Assembler code program containing library function name is firstly translated into intermediate language program and then into high level language program to reduce complexity of decompilation. 将含有库函数名的汇编代码程序翻译成中间语言程序,然后再转换成高级语言程序可降低逆编译的复杂性。
There are also many images in them, such as fire, car, library, map, name, house and so on, which helps to deepen the naturalistic themes of this novel. 《他们》中有许多意象,例如:火、车、图书馆、地图、名字、房子等,这更加深了小说的自然主义主题。
Second, according to the analysis of assemble instruction sequence and the characteristics of the storages of library function name, a method to identify library function calling is proposed to deal with searching and loading library function dynamically by malware. 之后,针对恶意程序中使用动态搜索、加载调用库函数等情况,提出了根据汇编指令序列特征和库函数名称存放特点识别库函数调用行为的方法及算法。